Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We had lots of fun

yesterday morning doing a home version of "Chopped."  I had never watched it, but basically the contestants are given ingredients that they have to use in an appetizer, main dish, and dessert.  Gary and Tiffany were the judges and the kids and I were contestants.   We had to use pretzels in the appetizer, a tortilla in the main dish, and marshmallows in the dessert.

It was lots of fun and it was amazing how creative everyone was .  I didn't win 1st prize in any of the courses, but I believe I probably won the prize for being the first contestant to wear a MuMu and who looks like she just got out of bed in the morning (which was the case).


Unknown said...

That looks so fun!!!! And, I love the MuMu. I bet you don't want to come home.

Misty B. said...

That's great fun! I'm surprised mustard wasn't one of the ingredients

Tom Anderson said...

You are not having fun are you???