Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Marshall is 7!

Marshall didn't have much time to sit down for an interview.  He had much more important things to do . . .

 Like have Trent help him run make tickets for our New Year's Eve game contest.

And make sure everyone followed the rules.

And make sure the scores were kept correctly (you may notice who won)

He is VERY, VERY, VERY big on making lists and charts.  He even made a niceness list of everyone in his family, but i didn't get a picture of that.   That are generally charts and lists posted all over the Bishop home.

But, I was able to get a few questions out of him:

Do you have a recurring dream?  What do you think it means?   That I don’t know how to play the piano and get lost in a town.

What class would you like to take in school that is not offered? Watching TV Class

Who in your family do you most resemble?  Hyrum

What accomplishment are you most proud of?  Playing toys or ball

What is your favorite time of day?  Middle of the day.  Get to play

What historical figure would you like to meet?  Dinosaur—like a baby rhinoceros, no scary ones, baby ones

If you could skip school or work for one day, how would you spend your free time?  Watch TV

What is your fondest memory of a family vacation?  Myrtle Beach – swimming, but not when a shark is there.

What is something new you learned this week?  New games.  “Go Stimulator”

What makes you happiest?  When Lydia comes and kisses me the most

What most excited about his year?  Going to Myrtle Beach

If you could earn $250 by eating the same meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for an entire month, would you?  Graham crackers and milk

Happy Birthday, Marshall.

We love you!

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