Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Smirky or Not Smirky?

Gary came home today carrying an envelope
that I readily identified as his school picture. 

He promptly asked me,

"What was that word you
and the girls used for my smile,
the one you all laughed at
when you saw last year's picture?"

Me, "Oh, you mean 'Smirk.'"

(Poor guy, we've got him totally
self-concious about his smile, or lack thereof) 

He turns over his new school picture:

"Is this a smirk?"

Me:  "Well, I don't think it's as
"Smirky as last year's."

I love this guy,
"Smirk" and all.
(but, I still can't keep from
laughing when I look at last year's.
It makes me think he's
got some scheme cooking)


Misty B. said...

I love it Dad! This year's is much less smirky. You must have practiced smiling. I think I'll keep last year's on my fridge for while--It makes me smile!

Tiffany said...

Yay Dad! I'm so proud of you. Much, much better. I still like to see a little teeth though. Nonetheless, a step up from last year. :)

Tom Anderson said...

It's a smirk, for sure. Gary always has a scheme going on. I recall the same smile?? when he would drop by our home on Cedar Ave to see you, when he was in Jr. High School. I knew his thoughts.

Becky said...

Definitely less smirky, but I think the smirk looks good.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Hey, Gary looks younger this year. That's something to smirk about.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sharing, it' s very useful