Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trying to

wrap my mind around the thoughts expressed in the
"Emotions" and "Relationships" workshop.
I think I understand at least this so far:


leads to an
which stems from our
which stem from what we
 which links to our

 The next step is 
which I'm not quite clear on yet.
The class/workshop is hosted by my yoga teacher, whose friend is a life coach.  I'm loving it.  It is so fun to explore what makes us "tick,"    The discussion leader is amazing, as are the ladies who share their feelings.  
More to follow when I know and understand more.


Tom Anderson said...

That class would be a lot of fun and really interesting for me. I love that type of thing. Examining our life is fun and revealing. Socrates said: "The unexamined life is no life at all"--at least I think it was Socrates. Good for you. When you figure yourself out let us all know!!! We are dying to find the real you, if you exist at all!!!

tingey said...

AAA......what do you mean by a life coach? I know of an event that lead to a emotional response. Im not sure there was wants, beliefs or needs in this event. No Value at all except for most of us LOL. I refuse to Identify and at that time the boundaries were very thin......great blog AAA and good job missing the curler???

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I knew I should have taken that yoga class because I'm missing out on all this cool stuff that I don't understand. And hey, the table of projects in the next know you're itching to get to them, you know you are.