Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, March 31, 2018

The less I share my

thoughts and life by posting on the blog, the harder it is to start again.

Because I feel like I have to catch up.  That I need to post things in chronological order.  Then I feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start.

Silly, really.  But it is kind of my mode of operation in many parts of my life. 

So I am not going to try to catch up, but just jump in where I am.  Reboot.  I do that with housework every so often, by going to the Fly Lady website.  Her mantra is, "You are not behind, just jump in where you are."

So, in the time that it took me to write this far, I checked my email and found that my Ancestry DNA was in!   Pretty fascinating that 1 little vial of my saliva can tell me all this.

So that is what I will post right now.  I look forward to exploring all of this further, but for now:


And my closest relative that has had their DNA tested with Ancestry is my niece Stephanie.  My DNA test can say with extremely high confidence that I am closely related to her.  Pretty amazing.  Of course I've always been grateful I was closely related to her!

Possible range: Close family - 1st cousins 
Confidence: Extremely High  


1 comment:

It's EXHUSTING being me..... said...

So were there any surprises. As far as I could tell there was not. Not a surprise that you are mostly Great Britain. FUn.