Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

As usually happens,

I am feeling the "big event" let down.  The house, that was full of family, now feels very lonely.

I've had this great idea that now is a good time to clean out and re-organize.   The Sunroom, which has been the wedding staging room since February, is bare and needs some serious cleaning.  In fact, the whole house is in serious need of cleaning.

The problem is that I have the initial enthusiasm and then no follow-through.   I even went so far as to tell myself that I was going to reduce my "stuff" by 50%. That is why there are piles outside of all my cupboards as I contemplate what to "let go."   I took a big load to DI tonight and then spent a couple of hours looking for containers that will slide into my small cupboards.  (I think another name for what I am doing is called "avoidance").

As I explained that to Gary when I got home, he said he understood, and that he was watching the "Transformer" movie because it kind of has to do with computer science.  He feels it will help him with course development for the BYU Independent Study programming course he should be working on.

In our old age, we have become very adept at rationalizing.



Misty B. said...

If your excuse is old age then what's mine? I'm feeling huge vacation let down. I've read two books this week, but haven't cooked dinner once. That's my avoidance!

Unknown said...

Hang in there girls! Not all is lost. There will be future vacations and watching shows like the Transformers will get you through the rough patches :-)