Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, September 3, 2015

I'm very grateful

for hearing aids.  Particularly now because my best ear, my left one, has some kind of infection.  The mold won't fit in well and it hurts to talk on the phone or put any pressure on it.  So I've been basically hearing about 1/4 of anything that is said.

I went into Costco and had my hearing tested last week, and he referred me to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist.  That appointment is on Tuesday.  He said I am very close to being profoundly deaf, which is not a surprise, and that I would probably be a candidate for implants at some point.

Anyway, that is why I am so grateful for hearing aids.  For the most part, I can function like a normal person (I know, that is debatable) as long as they are working.

The one thing I can hear well, though, is the little voice in my head that says, "You need to go to thrift stores and find more containers and boxes so you can better organize the house."   I don't have any problem hearing that little voice at all.  

1 comment:

Misty B. said...

Dan is grateful for hearing aids, if I couldn't talk to you on the phone, well, we won't go there--you're the best therapist for me!