Crinkled Oranges

Friday, October 23, 2015

Today has

been filled with many various and different activities.  Tom, my cousin Dianne's husband, passed away on Wednesday.  I feel so much sorrow for her and her family. They are having the funeral here in our ward, since this is where they lived for 5 years before they moved last year.  So, there has been a lot of going back and forth with family and ward members coordinating the funeral and luncheon. Everyone here in this ward loved Dianne and Tom, and they are more than happy to be helping.

Then, as of yesterday, when I visited Gary, I am also working with him putting together his history.  He said he was going to hire someone, but he would rather hire me than anyone else.  I would do it for him with no pay, just because I love him, but he will not even consider that.  I have very hesitant feelings about that, but he won't even consider letting me help if he does not compensate me.

So, I spent the morning organizing papers and then spent the afternoon going over other papers with Gary.  He has already written quite a lot of history, but he wants to base this history on Chuck and Christine and how their lives, and how the lives of everyone who knew them, were influenced.  I will really enjoy doing this with him.  And he is very energized by it, as it gives him a sense of purpose. But, he also said he may lose sleep because he has so many ideas going on in his head.  

With my Idiart Law work and helping Gary,  I feel like I have more of a purpose also.  Which will help me use my time more effectively.  Every since I've had no need to spot anything coral or teal for the wedding and scrounge thrift stores for great finds (Ok, I haven't totally given that up), I've felt a little directionless.

So this is good.


Unknown said...

I am envious that you get to work with Gary on his history. You are the perfect person to do that.

Tom Anderson said...

I am so happy you are doing that. It will good for all involved. Please give Diane my condolences. You are such a help to so many.