Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, October 15, 2015

When I went

to the Ear doctor for my ear problems, they said that I was a very good candidate for a cochlear implant.   My hearing without my hearing aids is about rock bottom, and supposedly the implant in my worst ear would really help me.

They said if I fit all the qualifications that my insurance would cover most of it. But first, I had to have an MRI of my head.  I have to admit I have been more than a little nervous about doing that because of my claustrophobia.  The Dr. prescribed 1 Valium tablet and I took it before I went in today.  I had a moment of panic when I first went in, but I just made myself breathe and did not open my eyes.  (Just writing about it makes me feel a little bit of panic).

Yesterday I ran across a little note that had the words of the hymn "More Holiness Give Me."  Since that was fresh on my mind, for the 30 minutes I was in there, I just kept going over those words in my head.  I thought momentarily that maybe I should do the words of "Where Can I Turn For Peace," but that made me feel like I was in need of peace, which increased my lack of peace, so I went right back to the first song.  With all of these anxieties, you might think the results would come back showing something is wrong in my brain, but amazingly the results came back normal!

So the next step is to follow up with the Dr. on the 2nd  of November and see what comes of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yippee!!! I am so excited for you. I too would be very anxious to see what is happening in my head.