Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

When it rains, it pours.

We had another of Gary's cousins pass away last week.  Alene Hone.  That is just a short time after his cousin Paul.

Then Gary's sister had a freak accident and fell into a crawl space at her son in Oregon's home.  She shattered her leg.  If she had the surgery up there, she would have to stay for a couple of months, so she (very painfully) flew home and had the surgery last week.  Now she is in a rehab center here in Orem for at least a month.

Then Richard has not been doing well and is in a facility where they can monitor him and his medications closely.   This is so hard.

The inspirational message from Paul's funeral was that anytime anything went wrong, Paul didn't get angry, but he would just ask "Well, did you learn anything from it?" or "What did you learn?"  All of the kids basically said the same thing.   A great way to approach life.

At Alene's funeral each of her 6 boys basically said that her love was unconditional, but that she didn't let them make excuses.  She would say, "You know what you need to do, so do it."

I can learn a lot of life lessons from funerals.  It makes me wonder what my one remembered phrase would be.  Maybe, "Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake?"

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