Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

If you want to make

your house smell wonderful, make some of these sugared almonds.

They are one of my favorite treats to make for the holidays, not only because they smell wonderful and taste wonderful.  But also because they are not as perishable as cookies or other treats.

Sugared Almonds

2 1/2 cups unblanched whole almonds 
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar 
1 teaspoon cinnamon 

1. Heat oven to 350°. Toast almonds for 15 minutes on a baking sheet. Line two baking pans with parchment paper; set aside. 
2. In a medium saucepan, combine granulated sugar, 1/4 cup water, toasted almonds, and cinnamon. Cook, stirring constantly, until sugar becomes golden and granular and almonds are completely coated and separated. Pour nuts onto prepared pans. Store in airtight containers for up to 1 month.

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