Crinkled Oranges

Monday, May 16, 2016

I don't know if

I've written about Gary retiring from teaching this year.   He has felt so ready for it, and once he decided he could afford to buy back a year, he went for it.

He needs and wants to work for a few more years, but he wants to do something different.  He had been seriously looking for other positions, but since getting his calling at BYU, he hasn't had as much time.  He would like to do something with technology or even financial investing.

He didn't want to have a formal reception for retirement, but wanted to have a party with his computer and robotic kids.  He had it on Saturday up at his lab.

 Here were the home preparations.

He had a hard time deciding what he wanted on the banner, 
as he has a lot of sayings he repeats to his students.  Finally he decided on:  

  Low Supply && High Demand ==
$ Opportunity $

We filled the candy machine with 3 different kinds of M&Ms and every half hour or so he would announce that there were quarters for the candy.

And I made 6 dozen of his favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

We decorated the computer lab (as much as a lab can be decorated).

I stuck around until the first two showed up and took this picture,
but I'll have to get pictures of the party from Gary.

He had about 35 kids show up and stay for 4 or 5 hours.  
He ordered 9 18" pizzas and there were only 2 left.  
 It was a very rewarding day for him interacting with the kids.   
A student had organized games and awards, which made it fun.

He received the clock from the PEA, but these others were from the party.  


Tiffany said...

I LOVE THIS! The perfect ending of his teaching career!

Misty B. said...

I'm so glad Dad had this party! He really loves his students. He will be greatly missed. And Mom, no one can throw a party like you can!

Gary said...

The party was one of a kind thanks to Mom and her party-magic :-) I told Mom it went better than I could have ever imagined it would.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Gary. It is so well deserved.