Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's a little monkey's

4th birthday today!
We did a trial run on Lucienne's
 monkey birthday cupcakes
while they were here.

And right this very minute in Oregon she is having her
 "Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" 
birthday breakfast with her friends. 
I wish I could be there to see her excitement! 
While they were here, I thought every day that I needed to learn lessons from her.  As you can see by the expressions on her face, everything is a wonder and a reason to be happy.  She gets up in the morning excited about everything that is going on.  She says, probably 10 times a day, "I love you, Grandma."  Her love for life is infectious.  Yes, like I said, I'm trying to learn lessons from Luci.

We wish we were there to give you a real hug, Luci,
but this one will have to do.
Me, Annie, Grandpa and Luci having a group hug!


Wait a minute . . . that's not grandpa! 
Well, grandpa sends a hug, too.


Tiffany said...

She had so much fun at her monkey party! I will send pics soon. Thanks for all your help with the party even though you are hundreds of miles away! Lucienne LOVES Grandma and Grandpa Ashton!

Tom Anderson said...

Very cute. Happy Birthday.

Unknown said...

She is such a cutie. What a fun idea for a party.

Misty B. said...

Happy Birthday Luci!