Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The girls used

to complain that whenever we went anywhere with Gary that he always stopped to talk to people.  It's true.

As a teacher and coach he would run into former students.  Last night we went into a restaurant and in line he started talking to a former student he had coached.  Next thing I knew the former student had paid for our dinner and sat with us.   They reminisced about games and players, and when he left he gave Gary a hug and told him how much he appreciated him and the influence he had on his life.

It means a lot when people take the time to let you know you made a difference. This experience made me want to renew my efforts to express and show appreciation more.


Misty B. said...

That is a precious story, I love it!

Tiffany said...

That is neat. I definitely don't know as many people as Dad and you but my kids can't stand it when I stop to talk. Just this morning I had to drop something off to a friend and luci made me "pinky promise" that I wouldn't talk long! I guess it all comes full circle. I know that both Dad and you have influenced, hundreds for good! So grateful you are my parents.

nanabarbar said...

I know exactly how you feel! My Aunt was a School Teacher for Special Ed Kids for 30+ years in Denver. I don't think she ever met a student she didn't love & she was determined to help them get as far in life as they could go! She followed there progress through HS Graduation & always sent them a gift! They would send wedding announcements, she would send a gift! Babies!, a gift!!!
I would always go out to visit when I was in Denver & she always wanted to go to Baskin Robbins for ice cream! Or Kings to get groceries, no matter were we went I constantly heard "Miss Mary Ellen?!!!"
It would be a Student or a Parent of one of her Students. It was very apparent to me that she was greatly loved by generations of Students & their families!
AND she had dozens of Neices & Nephews & we got the same kind of attention & love from her.
She is one of the main reasons I LOVE Books!!!!!

nanabarbar said...

For all the "Miss Mery Ellens" & "YO! Coach Ashton!!!"
THANK YOU for being a Loving Teacher!!!

Unknown said...

That is a great tribute to Gary......