Crinkled Oranges

Monday, December 6, 2010

As Gary was helping

me with the "general store" tonight,

I took a second look at the stool he was standing on.
When we moved in the house 25 1/2 years ago, it had been left here by the previous owner.  It was the only chair or stool in the empty house, so I used it as I was painting the upstairs bedrooms.    That explains the paint splatters.  I remember Dad was here helping me. 
There is also an explanation for why the legs look like they do.  Our bunny, Cotton, chewed them.  It was in his room (yes he had his own room for about 8 of his 12 1/2 years).  Looking back, I really can't believe that I not only allowed it, but instigated it.    He chewed up the walls, through countless cords, the spines of many books, Gary's shoes, and just about everything else in there.  The room was a disaster.  It took some major repairs and replacements when we finally decided we needed the room for when the family came back home.
Here is a picture of Cotton under our Christmas tree in 2004.
He was 10 years old then.

Here is a picture of Natalie and him in September 2007,
right before he died. 

Interesting how looking at a battered stool can bring
back so many random memories.

1 comment:

Tom Anderson said...

I remember Cotton. Fun entry. Cotton would not have lasted long at all in my home. Gary was very patient. I like any candy with chocolate but don't worry about it (like I knew you would). I am on a chocolate diet.