Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Another snowy

day that makes me want to nestle inside.  So that's what I've been doing since about 3 pm.

 Gary went to the funeral of the boy on his football team this morning, and I stayed in my robe until about noon.  Then we went to visit a friend for a little bit, went to Costco, and came home.  I immediately nestled in the recliner with a blanket and skimmed through about 8 "Studio 5" segments.

The theme on "Studio 5" for February is "Live Without Pretending."   A very interesting and thought provoking ideal.   How do you live without pretending?  Isn't pretending just trying to be your best self, even when you don't feel like it?  I don't know.  If everyone went around saying and doing what they may feel like at the moment, life would not be very civilized.   But pretending that all is well, when it's not, projects a false image.  Is it right to project only the good and not the bad?  I'm asking these questions because I don't know the answer.

Of course, Gary gets totally in to the Studio 5 segments when I do.  On "living without pretending," he said he is an "open book, much to his chagrin and detriment."  ( Does that sound like him? )    I think I am a closed book with crinkled pages that's stuffed somewhere down in my "deep."

Speaking of the "deep," the show is asking you to send instagram picture of what your life looks like without pretense.  Both Gary and I decided that I should instagram a picture of the "deep."  

I can tell this is going to take some real thinking about.  I'll keep you posted on how Studio 5 suggests you should live without pretending for the rest of February.


Misty B. said...

Love it! Worried what I'm pretending???

Tom Anderson said...

We all pretend to some degree and that is not not bad. As you said, it would be a sad world if we did not put forward our best self. I think what is bad is putting forth a falsity to gain an advantage over another!!! Trying to be good when we are not is a good thing--would you rather I be bad because it is genuine??? Let me know how they answer that good question.