Crinkled Oranges

Monday, September 23, 2013

Gary said he was

talking with his students in his technology class about the days before cell phones.  They are the generation that has never really lived without them.  

He told them the stories of the "olden times" and how, if you were in a car caravan, you couldn't use your phone to find where someone was if they got lost. 

He tried to help them understand how difficult it would have been in Costco before cell phones.  How could he have found his wife, once he was through browsing all the samples, and was ready to go?  

Tough times, for sure, in the olden days.     


Misty B. said...

My seminary kids got a good chuckle at Dad's expense this morning!

Tom Anderson said...

I recall using Gran's phone at her home waiting for an operator to come on the line so I could give her number for her to dial on the switchboard---kids today would have no idea what that means.

Tiffany said...

First world problem, definitely!

Unknown said...

How about "party"lines!!!
No! Kids! It's not a dance!!!

Unknown said...

I think about "before the cell phone days" a lot. Sometimes, but not often, I miss them.