Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

 I've been finding excuses not to go to yoga lately, but today I went.  Of course I felt much better during and after.  Sometimes my mind is so busy, even during yoga, that I have a hard time quieting it down.  So I decided to read an inspirational though to focus on.  I chose it from a book with wisdom for each day of the year. November 26 was actually perfect for me today.

"Be grateful.  Every day is a new canvas--a new opportunity . . . Choice blessings await those who live in thanksgiving daily . . . Don't wait to start.  Open your eyes, open your hearts, and open your arms."

As I was stretching and doing all the movements, I literally was opening my arms and it felt that I was symbolically painting a canvas with wide strokes.  I love the idea that each day is a new start.  A chance to make a beautiful picture.

I also feel very grateful for my body and all it can do.  We have had so many neighbors who have had scheduled or emergency hip or knee surgeries.  They have all had complications and are facing more surgeries or procedures.  Each time I have heard of their troubles, it makes me reflect on what a blessing it is to have a body that works for you.  



Unknown said...

I don't even think a poem would help me through yoga. All I can think about is "why can't they go faster." Greg is going to Yoga now and is kind of cracks me up. When I told my boss who does Yoga that Greg was going he said, "I think yoga classes need more crouchity old firefighters in the classes." he he

Tom Anderson said...

Good for you. I should try it but afraid I would fall on my head while leg up in air.