Crinkled Oranges

Monday, November 25, 2013


I read articles or see the news about the devastation, the losses, and the struggles to survive natural disasters (the latest in the Philippines), I feel heartsick.  It is hard to imagine the daily sights, sounds, and smells that survivors are experiencing every day.

Sometimes when I pray and ask for help or blessings, I feel the need to acknowledge that what I'm praying for is insignificant or trite compared to what so many others are experiencing or needing in their lives. Yet, I know that God wants us to pray and express what is in our hearts, and that He cares about what we feel and and those we love.  

So how do we reconcile the inconsistencies or disparities of life?   I don't really know.  But, I do know that we always need to feel and express gratitude for the good things and pray for comfort and blessings through difficult times.  And then act upon those things that we can do to make a difference.   Even if all we can do is pray.   Yet, even that seems inadequate.   So I don't really have an answer.  Just faith.  

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