Crinkled Oranges

Monday, April 4, 2011

This morning I

woke up early from a bad dream with a bad headache.  In my dream I was taking a bath and the tub was disintegrating and falling apart, as were the walls around me .  Is there some deep rooted symbolism here?  Probably.  But more likely it is because the enamel in the bathtub (which is now in it's 40th year) is worn thin, is discolored, and has been bothering me.  Plus, it doesn't help that I scratched it as I tried to clean it with a pumice stone.  (That was not a good idea.)   

So, back to my dream.   I won't try to read any more into it than that we need a new bathtub (and shower, and carpet in the family room, and paneling removed, etc. etc. etc.).    But then, maybe, I'm also subconsciously thinking about the people in Japan who have very literally had their homes collapse around them from the recent earthquake.   That makes minor house issues like mine seem very inconsequential.    

Well, so much for not reading too much into the dream. 
Now I really have a headache. 
Sweet dreams tonight, please.


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