Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I've been

a little under the weather.  It's been plenty busy this week, with celebrating Natalie's birthday and going to some women's conference classes.  But, as I told Tom on the phone, I think I've been having sympathy pains for him. All I feel like doing, when I don't have something I have to do, is nothing.   And that pretty much sums it up.

 I'm hoping to get our of this feeling of being sick and tired very soon.   Sometimes it feels like, and is, a luxury to crawl into bed and pull the covers over your head.  But it doesn't do you or anyone else much good.  So, here's to better and more enthusiastic days this week.  And simpler ones.  And more accomplished ones. And less stressful ones.  And less judgemental ones,  And more directed ones.  And a more positive attititude.  And now I know why I want to crawl into bed and pull the covers ove my eyes., because I don't want to make all those decisions.    Sometimes things just take more energy that you have.    Well I'm off to bed, which doesn't take too much energy.   


Unknown said...

There is nothing wrong just doing nothing sometimes. It feels good......and your energy will come back. Just go with it!!!!

Misty B. said...

I agree with Charlene but have a very hard time practicing it. I think I'm too much like you. Sometimes I sing that old song, "Mama said there'd be days like this" just to remind myself that it's not a constant state I'm in and it will pass! And based on your spelling errors in the post--I'd say you're just genuinely tired and NEED to rest. So please do it!

Linda Henrichsen said...

I agree with both your sister and daughter :o) When Spring arrives, so do all the added chores of the season, both inside and out. Add our normal routine and work, and it's easy to just want to sit down! Moderation and rest periods help us feel renewed.