Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Tom is doing well, but still in a lot of pain.  They ended up doing 5 bypasses.  It is a miracle to me that he had no indication that he had so much blockage. It makes me realize that, considering my family history, I should have a heart work-up.   Richard has had several stints put in.  Dad had his first bypass surgery at my age and another 10 years later.  My grandfather Hall died of a heart attack in his 50's.   Wow, this is getting depressing. 

The  last two days I've been running around like crazy for my job.  Picking up yarn, pop, envelopes, driving to Syracuse to pick up cakes, and making waffle cones.  Then this morning I was helping set up for the bridal shower photo shoot.  It was beautiful.  Once Loralee posts it on her blog, I'll show the pictures. 

So now I'm sitting here in my recliner resting for a bit.  

1 comment:

Misty B. said...

Why don't you rest longer than a bit! Sooo glad Tom's doing well.