Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hard to believe

that our grandson, Jackson, turns 16 today.  I remember clearly watching his birth and being totally amazed when he was a boy.   Well, now he is more than a boy.  He sould say he is a man, but I'll modify that a little and say that he is a wonderful, handsome, talented, and perfect "young" man.

He is getting a little big for sitting on our laps

 but we'll let him as long as he will!

We love you, Jackson!

Happy 16th Birthday!


Unknown said...

I can't believe it either...and what a handsome young man. Happy birthday to Jackson.

Misty B. said...

Going to take the drivers test this morning! I don't think he'll feel 16 'till he's got it in hand. Remember my driver's test Mom? Hope it goes better than that day!