Crinkled Oranges

Monday, July 30, 2012

Our days are

jam packed with lots of activities, and I haven't been very good about taking pictures.  Suffice it to say that we love that Tiffany and the kids are able to stay longer and that Justin is generous enough to share them with us.  He went home after four days, so he could put work hours in, and is flying back on August 7.   Then the whole family will drive home on the 8th.  It will be a very quiet house, so it is fortunate that on the 9th we will be at an Anderson reunion in Heber with my brothers and sister.  

I've tried to spend at least four hours a day working, but it is a little harder when there are cute little girls that want to make paper dolls and play barbies and older kids who we also want to spend time with.  But it is working out, and I'm very grateful that I have a job that can be so flexible. 

Have I mentioned that the website is open now?  Go to and browse through the hundreds of amazing products.  I entered most of the products into the website, so if you see misspellings, you can blame me.  It is exciting times as she is getting some well known clients to create work for.

I'm going to attempt to give a representation of our activities of the last week and a half.  Here we go.



Unknown said...

Wow...I would say you are doing a great job of taking pictures. I am so happy for you to have the kids there.

Tom Anderson said...

Love the photos. Sounds like you are having a great time. You will need the rest of a family reunion where you can just do nothing.