Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm really enjoying

the Pinterest site (thanks Sharilyn!).  They say "a picture's worth a thousand words," and it truly is for me.  I have bookmarked so many recipe and craft sites, but just looking at the title of the bookmark doesn't really tell me what is there.  With Pinterest you actually see the pictures of what you've saved.  Because the things I've "pinned" are so easily identified with the picture, I've used these three different ideas during the last week.

This one:
 { Crispy peanut butter cup recipe }

this one:

Christmas Presents: Fudge in cookie cutters.

and this one:

:Pinned Image

You create your own "Boards" or categories, and pin those things that interest you to them.  You can follow your friends or just people who have the same interests as you do.  I can tell Tiffany is my daughter, because I usually want to repin to my boards most of the things she pins to hers. 

If this is making no sense, just let me know, and I'll send you an invite.


Steph, Bryce, Andie, Bree, and Zoe said...

May I have an invite? I requested one, but am still waiting...

Tom Anderson said...

I want an invite too, even though I will not come. I am always left out, but what else is new.