Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I've had several happy things

happen today. 

First, I got a call from my niece, Leslie, that Gary seems to be responding much better today.  He is really tired, but is responding to and asking questions.  They feel like it is a Christmas miracle.   My heart feels so much lighter.   I'm just praying that it continues this way.

Then, "miraculously," my bathtub is looking much better.  The rest of the bathroom isn't, but the bathtub is.  I'm so excited.

Then we got this big Styrofoam container delivered to our door.   

I've never gotten a package like this before, and I am so excited about it.  We couldn't imagine who had sent it, but when we opened the card, it was from Tom and Lynn.  It is from "Omaha Steaks"

and has pork chops, bacon wrapped filet's, steak burgers, chicken breasts, stuffed baked potatoes, and Carmel apple tartlets.  Wow, what a fun gift.  Thank you!

And the last good news is that Tiffany and crew are driving in tomorrow.  If the weather cooperates they will drive straight through.   I can't wait!


Becky said...

The gift of meat is the best gift of all! Mmmmm... meat.

Misty B. said...

Ok, so we'll expect a steak dinner when we arrive! So good to hear about Gary. And I loved the gingerbread pictures. We're doing ours tonight and the kids got some great ideas from you!