Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Last night

we had our Christmas Relief Society Activity.  It was a potluck dinner (sweet and savory).  I'm always amazed at the delicious dishes that are brought.  The program was entitled, "The Women of Christmas."   It featured singers portraying Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, and the angel Gabriel.  I'm am always in awe of people who have wonderful voices, and this program was beautifully performed. 

On Sunday, our Relief Society lesson was on the Christmas hymns and their meaning to us.  A point that was made was that many scriptures and hymns mention "heavenly choruses" that sang in joy when Christ was born.  What was also brought out was that we were likely a part of that chorus.  I've never thought of that.  It brings me joy to think that I was part of that heavenly choir.  I also like to think that I had a beautiful voice as I sang.  I don't have that gift now, but I have to assume that all angels must have beautiful voices.  Or even if they don't, I'm sure none of the others would have cared (or been annoyed) if someone was off-key.    

1 comment:

Tom Anderson said...

I have no doubt you were an 'Angel" but the voice I can't comment on.