Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Can you tell

what I've been up to?

Probably not.  Because this is so easy that I can't believe I haven't known about it before.  My friend told me about some vases her friend had tinted.

These are simply glass vases that I picked up at Deseret Industries (most expensive one was $2).  Then you pour paint in them and rotate until all of the inside is coated.

I don't know how they would hold up with water, but since they are for paper flowers there will be no problems.

I'm really having way too much fun.   And also being a little OCD.   Deseret Industries and Savers are becoming my very favorite stores.


Misty B. said...

So cute!

Tiffany said...

That is so beautiful! I can't wait to help with it all!