Crinkled Oranges

Monday, February 16, 2009

Back to life

Well, we're home.

Other than Gary having his turn with the stomach flu
(on the airplane - fun!)
the flight home went well.

I'm hoping:

that I don't get the bug that went
through the rest of the family

that Natalie can get a job soon,
after having been laid-off on Friday

that Pam from Pam's Place is still
my friend after being left alone on Sunday!
(I'll give you a call)

that all is well with . . . well, everyone.


Pam's Place said...

Annette, had the world crumbled in Primary on Sunday, you would still be my friend. But your prayers and mine were answered in abundance. It was a wonderful day in Primary. Why, after 30 years, am I still in awe when my prayers are answered so amazingly?

I missed you. Welcome back! Glad that you had a wonderful time with Eliza and her family. I'm sorry that Gary got the flu and I hope you don't!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

All is well. Or all is as well as it ever is. Welcome home.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I hope that flu hasn't hit you! We are just starting to recover from it, ourselves! Miss you already! S