Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I asked for it

didn't I?

A couple of days ago I sat in my chair with my computer on my lap, shaking my head, chuckling and saying to myself, "I can't believe this."

I've mentioned this Book of Mormon Table topics I've been working on.  There is going to be a box similar to this

on every table at our Relief Society Celebration next week.   All the women in the ward have been challenged to read the Book of Mormon.   As we sit at the tables we will pass around the box and they will pull out a card and give their feelings about the questions asked.

To be effective the questions shouldn't have a right or wrong answer and should not be able to be answered with "yes" or "no."  Rather they should begin with What, How, Why, etc.   Anyway, I had been online pulling questions from Book of Mormon manuals, study guides, seminary guides, etc. I had cut and pasted possible questions randomly until I had 14 pages full questions. I was feeling totally overwhelmed.  I kept telling myself that I was making it much too complex and that I just needed to simplify and make it basic. 

Anyway, to simplify what I'm trying to say, I actually prayed for help in how to simplify and make it meaningful.  It was shortly after that when I was sitting with my computer and saying "I can't believe it."  The document I had stayed up until midnight working on, saved, gotten up early and worked on, saved, and then printed off so I could easily mark it up, was Gone. 

Yes, GONE. 

I know I had saved it several times because I was worried about losing it.  I did searches, checked the recycle bin, did more searches, checked my online backup with Comcast, and did this over and over again for more than an hour.  Anything created or changed or saved or backed up from that 24 hour period was not there. 

Guess what?  It totally simplified everything. 
From the one hard copy I had printed off, 
(Shown here)

I just pulled the basics from it to create the questions cards  

When I told Gary about it later in the day, he was sure he would be able to find the document.   (After all, he works with teachers every day who say that it "worked yesterday" or "it was there yesterday.") Well, he couldn't find anything saved over that period of time either. 

All I can say is that God works in mysterious ways.
And I think that He (or whatever angel is assigned to me)
 also has a sense of humor.


Tom Anderson said...

That was very funny!! You asked for simplicity and you got it. Remember the KISS principle--keep it simple stupid!!! I bet all of your lost questions are with the lost 10 tribes. You will find them when the lost 10 tribes are found. I had a good laugh.

Misty B. said...

Like I mentioned to you earlier, you have very powerful prayers. I'll be calling you to pray for me always!