Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


on the difference between men and women.
There are many.
But the one on my mind tonight has to do with
"detail in planning."

Gary was going skiing tonight with the youth.  On his way out the door, he asked if I had any snacks, so I pulled some cookies out of the freezer.  I said "good-bye," grateful that it wasn't me who got (?) to go skiing.

Fifteen minutes later he called and says that they decided they needed some sack lunches  Would I makes sandwiches for 10 and get chips and drinks and bring them up to Sundance at 6:00?

My first comment was, "And I answered this call, Why?"

Then I realized he was serious.   So I said I would figure something out.   I had some hoagie buns and sandwich meats in the freezer, so I thawed them and made some very basic sandwiches.  Then I went to Costco and got chips and juice boxes.  Then I took a beautiful drive up to Sundance and dropped them off.  I can think of worse ways of spending the evening (like cleaning up my messes, which I haven't done).

But my point is, the men didn't even think about what they were doing for dinner until the last minute.  If the women had been in charge, we would have planned out what we were doing for dinner, right down to what kind of sprinkles to put on the cupcakes.  

Maybe I'm generalizing a little too much.
But that has definitely been my observation through the years.


Tom Anderson said...

Your observations are right on.

Becky said...

Yep, that sounds about right. I am very much a planner and my husband's plan is usually, "We'll figure something out."

Denise said...

All I have to say is a big AMEN!

Misty B. said...

I'm giggling to myself as I read the last two days entries back to back. Pretty funny how some things never change! Kind of makes me homesick.

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

I think you are right on. That scenario would happen in our house on any given day. I always wonder what would happen if we didn't bail them out? I also wonder if I would enjoy life more if I didn't have to think about the "details". Hopefully we will see you Sunday.

Unknown said...

Now that Greg is the primary dinner chef, he actually thinks about dinner, even though it is usally a little later than I like. were very nice to do this for Gary. I do not think I am so nice.