Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is a shoe that represents

a part of your life?

That is our theme for our RS Activity this Thursday.  We hope that by everyone sharing a shoe that represents something about them, that we will get to know each other better. I had lots of fun making the shoes with my cricut machine. I do love the fancy shoes, but at this stage in the game, comfort is the number one thing for me.

I'm taking this shoe.
because it represent the projects I do and the
messes I make while I do them.
You'll notice paint specks,

and the mud on the bottom.
They are the most comfortable shoes I have,
and they are now my gardening shoes.
Once when I was out gardening,
Gary came out and watched me for a minute. 
Then he said, "You kind of garden like you cook." 
Since I'm known for the messes I make when I cook,
or when I do projects,
or even when I'm cleaning,
I knew exactly what he meant.
And, I could not disagree with his observation.
As the saying goes, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
That's why I'm taking that shoe.

What shoe represents a part of you?


Tiffany said...

That is adorable mom! Love it. If I was going I would bring my flip flops--three summers straight they have been my friend every day! Comfortable, simple, and goes with everything (in my opinion). I wish I was going to be there. Looks like tons of fun.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Gonna bring my most hated ones, I think. It will be fun. Anything you do is top notch.

Misty B. said...

I wish I were in your ward, not just for RS activities, but it would be a huge perk! I would bring my sandals that Lydia wants to throw away because they're so worn.

tingey said...

I think Gary should be alittle better with the compliments.....If I know you as well as I think I do. He might be cooking meals in the future with a weeding project or two.

Annette thanks for the great time we had on Tue. I wish you would have been there, it just wasn't the same. Tell Nat. we have too do that again only with you this time. I want everyone reading this blog too know, THESE ARE GREAT FRIENDS.