Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A country boy's

observations about city life.
It has been so funny to hear the comments of Harrison,
who is five, as he expresses the wonder of life in a neighborhood.

To fully appreciate it, you have to realize that Harrison has grown up on a farm.  His aunt and uncle, cousins, and Bishop grandparents all live what would amount to about a city block from each other. There are no other neighbors within view of their home

So, after Harrison had hit every wiffle ball we had into every neighbor's yard, we told him we could go to the neighbors and ask if we could go get them from their yard. He was absolutely amazed that we had neighbors over "this way, and that way." He exclaimed that "We're all neighbors -the Bishops (his family)- the Ashtons -the people over that way - and the people over that way." He was even more amazed after walking home from the elementary school with Gary. He came home with the biggest grin on his face and asked, "Guess What?'"We bought lemonade from the neighbors who were selling it at a lemonade stand. We both got cups of lemonade!" Since Gary had bought the lemonade on credit (since he did not have his wallet while playing ball with Harrison at the school, Harrison was even more excited to go back with Gary to pay up

And then today when we were walking out of a store,
he said, "Look at those mountains."

I think we can learn a few things from Harrison
First:  We really are all neighbors
Second:  We need to look with wonder at the world around us.

And that's just what I'm doing as I enjoy my
Bishop neighbors (aka grandchildren)


Tom Anderson said...

cute story, a new world to him.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

What a cutie he is. I hope you are having a wonderful time.

Dan said...

I miss my little country boy, looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday.