Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I think

we have a family living in our house.  And I don't mean me and Gary. 

The other day I saw this little furry ball moving across the carpet.  At first I thought it was a little ball of hair being blown across the carpet.  Then I realized it was a mouse.  A little baby mouse.  Because it didn't move too quickly, it didn't startle me too much.  The next morning Gary saw him in the bathtub and put him in a plastic container.  I threw the container away without looking at it. 

Then, just 10 minutes ago, I saw another little one come out from under the couch.  I am now getting a little creeped out.   The little ones are kind of cute, but where there are baby ones, there are probably parents.  I just told Gary that I would get traps, but that he had to check them every morning and get rid of it before I see it.   Right now Gary is walking around the room saying, "Here, mousy, where are you mousy."

It is silly to be afraid of them.  They are defenseless against me.  But at the same time, Natalie had a resident mouse that chewed through her computer cord before she was finally able to trap him.  Tiffany had one that chewed through her dishwasher pipe and caused it to leak and damage her floor.  I just have one (or maybe more) that has me nervously looking out of the corner of my eye for any movement.

I know this is not earth shattering stuff.  Pretty boring, really.  But I can't think of anything else to write about tonight.     


tingey said...

So tell me are the fury little creatures invited for the supper bowl tomorrow?

Unknown said...

There is no way I am visting until I have a guarantee the visitors are gone. I am TERRIFIED of those creepy little things. I will have to tell you the story of the mouse at Angie's house.....

Tom Anderson said...

You are safe. Gary is saying "come here little mousy" so all is well.

Tiffany said...

Oh mom, sorry! I feel your pain. I HATE rodents. The one that chewed through our dw tube was not a friendly little baby mouse--more like a big rat! I would put some traps down in your deep--remember how I saw that candy bar wrapper chewed through down there at Christmas time? it was definitely a mouse chew job. I found that on one of the shelves where you keep your gifts, etc. I hate how dumb little creatures can make me feel so defenseless and disgusting. Good luck!