Crinkled Oranges

Friday, February 10, 2012

Just so everyone

knows that I have a life beyond mice, I have been absorbed with other things this week. 

I've been spending 2 to 3 hours a day learning the computer aspects of my job.  So far I'm loving it.  I still have a lot to learn about the products, but once I do, I'll be comfortable with it.  I also love the flexibility it provides.  

I've tried made these from the "Best Bites" cookbook.  They are really good!

I tried made these little tortilla bowls with the these molds. 
They are so easy and bake in just 8 minutes. 

I've made cupcakes with a marble inserted into the tin 
(after the batter is in)
to make them heart shaped. 
They aren't perfectly heart shaped
because the bottom is rounded and not triangle,
but they are still cute.

Now, back to the important stuff.  Thanks to everyone for your expressions of sympathy and suggestions on how to catch the mouse family.  I am happy to report, but freaked out about it also, that so far we have caught FOUR of them.  I told Gary that he is my hero for getting rid of them in the traps, and I really mean it.  I can't stand to see them alive, but then I can't stand to see them hurting.  I would not have been a good pioneer woman who had to go kill the chickens before she could cook them.  Or even worse, shoot the rabbits for dinner.     


Tom Anderson said...

What an interesting life you must make for Gary.

Unknown said...

You are busy..........and thanks for rodent update.

Chantel said...

I love those tortilla bowls--I'm going to find those molds! :)