Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, March 6, 2014


I looked the definition of Reciprocity up to make sure it meant what I thought it did.   It does.

Here is one definition:  "Reciprocity in social psychology refers to responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kind actions."

I've been thinking about that principle of reciprocity since I got a call from my niece, Leslie, last week.  She and Scott were in town, from California, for a wedding.   They had some golf clubs for Lydia and wondered if I could mail them to her.

 I hadn't heard anything about it, but at Christmas Misty and Dan were talking to Leslie and Scott about golf clubs for Lydia.  Scott works for Calloway Golf and Lydia was going to join the high school golf team.  So, Scott had spent time figuring out what clubs would be the best for Lydia, and had arranged to get some.

I was overwhelmed by their generosity.  It was such a gift for Lydia. 

When they dropped the clubs off, Leslie asked me about some aprons I had made and wondered if they were difficult to make.  She was asking because Scott's grandma had just moved into an assisted living center, and she needs to wear aprons at dinner.  I happily told her I already had a couple of aprons made, and that I would love them to take them for Scott's grandma.

Now, I would not normally be so generous about giving away aprons.  But, because of their generosity, I was so happy I could give something in return.  To reciprocate. 

Even when we are not able to give something in return to the person who has blessed us, it increases in our hearts a desire to be more giving to others we come in contact with. 

Generosity begats Generosity.  Kindness begats Kindness.    

And brings happiness . . .


Tiffany said...

I absolutely love this! What a sweet and kind gesture that took not only time and money, but thought and heart from two people who have so much on their plate already. Such a great reminder of true Christ like love!

Unknown said...

Very cool!!! Way to go Lydia.

Misty B. said...

We're so very grateful! She was going to use my very old clubs that have been sitting garage gathering dust for over 10 years. Now she has her golf coach envious of her clubs!

Tom Anderson said...

Scott and Leslie did the same thing for me several years ago. I still play with the clubs they got me. I received clubs for about 1/5th of the retail cost. That is part of the reason I play so well--only part. Every time I play I think of them and their kindness.

Good post and so true.