Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tonight as the

hostess was leading us to our seat in Chili's, she said "I love that you are so happy and smiling."  I didn't really know that I was smiling, but when she pointed it out, I realized that it was just a carryover from the conversation we had just had with Misty.

I don't think anything makes me laugh and smile more than hearing funny stories about my grandchildren.

Misty had been telling us the latest stories on Marshall.  He is such a Mommy's boy, and is always telling her how "cute" she is.  Misty said he is a great self-esteem builder.   When they were at a Baptism awhile ago, he was obviously listening, because he took her face in his hands and said, "You are a child of God, and you are cute!"

Here are a couple more "cute things" from this week:

Tiffany was taking Ashton bowling.  He randomly said, "I'd sit through any of grandpa's lectures just to have him here right now."  He was remembering when we took him bowling and Gary was giving a lesson on physics (or something like that) on the car ride.   (I don't remember the incident myself, but I do tend to tune out when Gary starts making up facts and stories)

Then, in Church someone was talking about the faith of a mustard seed.  Lucienne leaned over to Tiffany and said, "Grandpa would like this talk."  (because of his love of mustard)

I think I'm going to do a weekly blog entitled "Cuteness" and record these cute things so I don't forget them.

Oh, and as a side note.  Gary had been feeling slighted because he hadn't gotten a Chili's free Queso and Chips coupon for more than a month.  So when he got one, we just had to go.   Gary said I was probably smiling about that when the hostess commented on my smile.  But when I told her it was because I had just been talking to my daughter, she said "Oh, that is so sweet."

1 comment:

Tom Anderson said...

It is so sweet. I liked the one about the mustard seed--Gary's lectures are making a great impression.