Crinkled Oranges

Monday, May 17, 2010

"I have everything I need."

Recently I've heard the phrase,
"I have everything I need."
in two different settings.

One was in the movie "Clash of the Titans." In that movie the mortal father is apologizing to his son that he was not able to give him the kind of opportunities and life he deserved. That is when the son said, "I have everything I need."

I can't remember the exact time I heard it a second time, but I think it was also on a movie or show, where it was said "We have everything we need."

The reason that little phrase jumps out to me is because of a personal experience I had shortly after Mom died. Dad had been gone for 18 months when Mom passed away. That was an especially difficult time for me, not only because of the feeling of loss, but also because we had to dismantle the house and remove everything that they ever had or treasured. I had to brace myself emotionally every time we went up to the house. I felt like I was dismantling their lives. It felt disrespectful. One thing that I kept reminding myself was that Mom and Dad had both had to do the same thing with their parent's homes, and that they understood. But it was still very hard for me and weighed heavily in my heart.

During that time, I had a dream that I felt was an answer to a prayer. In the dream we were in Mom and Dad's kitchen. I couldn't see Mom, but I knew she was in the other room. Dad was carrying a plate of food. I looked around the kitchen and saw empty spaces where some of the appliances and other things had been.. With anxiety and sadness I said to Dad, "I'm so sorry. If we had known you were coming back, we wouldn't have taken anything." Dad looked at me with such kindly eyes, and said, "I have everything I need."

When I woke up, my heart was no longer heavy with the sadness of taking their house, and thus their lives, apart. The anxiety was just gone. It was still not a fun task, and I'm glad I never have to do it again, but I had peace with it.

I have no doubt that this dream was a message from above to give me peace and comfort. I'm not a person who thinks every dream has meaning, nor do I read much into them. But in this case, I didn't have to read anything into it. The anxiety left and the peace just came,  

And I was very grateful.  


Tom Anderson said...

What a sweet story with a very nice message. Thanks for sharing that. I believe in things like that. "God is not dead"--He still communicates in various ways.

Tiffany said...

That was beautiful Mom. How come I've never heard that? Or maybe you told me but I was a self absorbed teenager at the time? I've always felt that I have all that I need--thanks to you and Dad. And even though we tease you about cleaning out your house when you are gone I know I will feel the same that you did with G & G's house!

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

Annette- I really enjoyed reading that. I'm so glad that you are still blogging and sharing your life with us.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

What a touching story, Annette. They indeed do have everything they need.

Lisa said...

Blog hopping, and came across your blog. I too have had a similar experience as this. I remember my parents desiring and coveting an oak...roll-top desk. To them, that was a status symbol I guess. They worked hard for it. Bought it. Insured it. Cleaned it..repaired it. It..always had a prominent place in our home. When they passed..none of us kids wanted it. I saw it carried away in a yard sale for $10. Made me really microscope my life, and review what I am putting my time into.