Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Hangout

since the middle of April.

Not the most aesthetic setting,
with the cement walls
and my desk in a dark little corner.
If I worked there permanently,
I would definitely do something with the decor.
But, since it a meeting room for the football team,
I guess the look is understandable.

It does have s a pretty view out the window.

The most interesting thing about it was the smell.
Not a bad smell, really, but a strong smell.
Imagine walking in a tire store.
That's what it smelled like
The floors are all rubber, which made it
very quiet as a testing center.
The students would come in and
and comment on the funny smell.
I would notice the smell when I first walked in each morning,
but didn't even notice it by the end of the day.

Not noticing the smell after I had been there all day, made me think of something Mom would tell us.  She said her mom (my grandma) would often comment about how badly everyone must have smelled when she was young.  Back then it was customary for people to bathe only once a week.    What my grandma felt and would say, though, was that people didn't notice, because everyone smelled the same.  
Kind of a random thought, I know, but I did think about it. 

Anyway, I'm finished proctoring for the year.
It is actually kind of fun and went much more smoothly
this year because we learned a lot from last year.
But I'll be glad not to get up at 6 am on Monday morning.

1 comment:

Becky said...

How nice to have a little part time job for a little while.
I think that some people just don't have as good a sense of smell as others. I have always had an acute sense of smell that got worse when I was pregnant. I don't know how people in the old days survived.