Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What I've been

(while I haven't been blogging.)

Proctoring Tests.

Doc Management.

Flower Pins for the cast of the play
(shown on my little "friend.")

Apron (for a gift) on my big "Friend."

Making Cupcakes

Missing my grandchildren.

That's about it.


Misty B. said...

Those pictures make me homesick for you! To all Mom's readers--I would like to ask your help me to think of the different creative phases of Mom's life. Right now she's definitely in a cupcake/apron/flower--phase. She's also had a flower pen and a wooden plaque phase. Any others you can think of? I think it would be fun to chronicle her different obsessions that have brought us all so many memories!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

She made a bunch of covered clip boards complete with flower pens for the Relief Society a few years ago. They were darling.

I think her greatest accomplishment is rearing her three daughters and being a super wife. She's certainly a super friend and she has the corner on cheerful.

Becky said...

I recall a lot of bubble magnets at one time and a whole lot of cookies when I was in highschool. And, let us not forget the card making and the millions of stamps collection.