Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


is down.
But the house is not quite back to normal.
It will be by tomorrow night, though, because I have
a meeting here at the house.
Nothing like a guests coming to get me going.

As I'm sitting here comfy in my pajamas, I thought I'd post our
Christmas pajama pictures.

 Can you tell how excited Jackson (the oldest) is to have matching pajamas with the younger boys?  He started making a fuss the minute he realized we were all getting pajamas.  He was complaining that there was no way he was going to wear matchy cartoon character pajamas.   He THINKS he's old enough to be with the men now.    

We've got the girls all cute as cupcakes. 
Somehow we missed getting them all in one setting.

 We women all kind of blend into one in our pajamas.
They are the most comfy pajamas ever
and they obviously make us look like wild animals. 


Linda Henrichsen said...

Oh my gosh! My daugher-in-law, Carrie, gave me the same exact PJ's for Christmas, as you ladies are wearing :o) I should have come right over! XOXO Linda

Tom Anderson said...

Love the photo with the girls all in the same PJ's.