Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's time to close

the candy store.

It makes me sad, because I love it.
But if I don't dismantle it, I will weigh 50 pounds more next year.
Even though the inventory is way down,
there has been enough left to be dangerous for me.
When I've been wanted something sweet,
or even when just passing by,
I stop, open a jar (always one with chocolate in it),
and pop it in my mouth.

The funnest thing about the candy store, when the kids were here, was being the candy store clerk.  Each token was worth 2 ounces of candy.  Do you know how much candy you can get for 2 ounces?  Way more than I figured.  Especially since they were given 6 tokens a day.  I think that due to inflation, next year each token will just buy 1 oz worth.  

The whole process was fun.  The kids would make their choices, we would weigh it, bag it, and tie it with a ribbon.  I loved it, because all of them from the youngest (2) to the oldest (14) always wanted to go through the whole process, ribbon and all.  We took tokens for payment, but the other payment the grand kids had to give was a hug.   Great dividends on our money. 

So, as of today, the
G &G Country Store is closed
until next Christmas. 

1 comment:

Shay said...

If only I had more tokens I would have come back for more. Sharilyn