Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On Sunday

Gary, Natalie, and I sat out in the back yard after dinner.

The plan was to work on better questions for the Book of Mormon table topics game.  After a not very productive hour, we finally decided that the questions just need to be simpler.  While we were looking at the original Table Topics game, one of the intriguing questions was,
"Would you rather meet your
great great grandparents
or your great great grandchildren?"
A very interesting question.  I really didn't have to think about it much.  I already know something about my great great grandparents.  I already know something about the times they lived in.  I would love to have a visual view and more insight into their lives.  I would love to talk with them about their joys and struggles.   But I also know that when I die, I will get to meet them face to face and and do just that.

But the great great grandchildren?  Well, I know nothing about them (obviously).  Actually, I may have met them in the preexistence.  But if I did, I don't remember it.  So, these things considered, my answer to the question would be that I would like to meet my great great grandchildren. 

I'm talking about my grandchildren's
grandchildren, here.

I can hardly imagine it. 
What will their lives be like?  
What will the world be like? 

I thought a lot about ancestors and descendants at the Anderson Reunion this summer.  It brought me such joy to see Mom and Dad's descendants (their great grandchildren) playing with and enjoying each other.

(just a few of the many pictures taken at the reunion)

It makes me wonder how much our parents and grandparents, all of whom have passed away, are able to know of what is happening in our lives.  I know that once I'm gone from this earth, I will be catching as many glimpses of what is going on here with my ancestors as is humanly (or should I say heavenly) possible.  I don't know all the details of how it all works.  But I know it works.  So if in some, oh maybe 50 years, my great great grandchildren are wondering about these same questions.  Let me go on record:  

I'm here (or there)
loving you and cheering you on.


Tom Anderson said...

Loved your writtten and photo entry. I agree with you. The future lives of even our grandchildren will be very interesting to see.

Tiffany said...

I'm actually praying for the second coming before I have to raise my children as teenagers here on this crazy earth! So maybe you will be around for your great great grandchildren in the millenium. . .and we can just all live together happily. That sounds even better! Miss you.

Misty B. said...

Dan thinks I'm crazy but I feel the same way as Tiffany. Just bring on the next phase, I've had enough of this craziness. I'd love to throw a big Millenium Party!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the blod. I am so glad that someone in our family writes this history!!!!! I am reading your blod wearning my Bear Lake t-shirt. I love it!!!!