Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am going through my files (again), and came across this picture.

It was taken by the car dealership on September 21, 1988, when we bought the car.  Gary loved this car and named it Skyblue.  It lost a little of its luster after Gary backed into a pole while leaving Merrill Lynch one day, but it served us well.  That is Natalie I'm holding in the picture, and we had it until she was 14.

Skyblue kind of reminded us of the GTO Gary had in high school.  The GTO was the only car we had for the first few years of our marriage.    I never did like the stick shift in either the GTO or Skyblue, so it was a pretty bumpy ride when I was driving.   Of course that is the only reason I have ever driven in an erratic fashion :)  After all, I've never gotten a speeding ticket in my whole life.  In fact, I've never gotten any kind of ticket.  (The few accidents I had in high school were always someone else's fault, of course.)  And I've never run into a pole.  And I've also never run into a house, like Natalie did when she had only had her license for 2 weeks.  But that is another story worthy of it's own blog entry.


Misty B. said...

I have a flood of memories surrounding Skyblue!! It was my car of choice when I turned 16. I used to love how it would take 30 min to start on winter mornings. I have a vivid memory of parking it at Timpview and walking into school, I was never embarrassed about it, I genuinely liked it. I do want to correct one thing however-- it wasn't a manual transmission Mom. The gear shift was in the middle, not the steering wheel, but it was automatic. The reason the ride was jerky was just because it was Skyblue!

Tom Anderson said...

No wonder it drove bumpy, Annette thought it was a stick!!!

Gary said...

I had a sick feeling for weeks after the fateful collision with a 4"x4" metal post. You could see the perfect outline of the post in the back bumper. I never did get it fixed and if not for that one small 'blemish', Skyblue was truly a collectable with lots of memories to never be forgotten.

Tiffany said...

Oh! Skyblue! I used to sit on a phone book while I drove it to boost me up a bit from the low rider feeling. And I was always nervous to look at the cars I pulled up next to at the stop light because if it was a "punk" then he was sure to give me envious looks! Ha. I haven't thought about Skyblue for years. I guess I was more proud than Misty. I was embarrassed by it, almost all of the time! And she is right, it was not a stick shift. Otherwise I wouldn't have been driving it. I still can't drive one. :)

Annette said...

It wasn't a stick shift? Well, that explains a lot. I guess Tom was right in this one instance.

Jared Golden said...

Are you sure you didn't drive through the garage on Cedar Ave?

My dad swears it wasn't him.