Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Throwing Away Money

I've been accused of it.  I have to confess that I have also been guilty of it.   And, Gary keeps asking me if I've blogged about it yet. 

I'm afraid I will never be able to live down my "money" experiences at our family reunion last year.   In fact, his summer after I had gotten lost and driven about 90 miles in the wrong direction, Misty said to Jackson, "Guess what Grandma did?"  Jackson didn't miss a beat when he said, "Throw away money?"

It all started last year as I was preparing for our family reunion in Missouri.  I had gotten cash from the bank and was dividing it up and putting it into envelopes for each of the grandchildren.  When I was done I put the "empty" bank envelopes in the garbage can.  The next day, as Gary and I sat at the airport, I was looking through my purse for the $400 in cash I was taking on the trip.  I couldn't find it.  I felt sick.  I retraced in my mind where I had been and how I could have lost the money.  Other than losing it from my purse, the only other thing I could think was that, in all my sorting with the envelopes, I may have mistakenly thrown it in the garbage.  Fortunately, Justin's brother was going to stay in our house while we were gone, so I called Tiffany and asked her to have them look in the garbage can when they got there.

What a relief it was when Tiffany called to say they had found it!   Not long after that while still in Missouri, Misty said, "Mom there is money in this garbage can."  Honestly!  It was not planted.  Somehow my purse had spilled over and bills had fallen into her office garbage can.   But that was not the end of it.  A day later, we picked up Tiffany's family from the airport and had arrived back at Misty's house.  Someone jokingly said, check the garbage cans, Grandma has been throwing away money."  Ashton proceeded to look through that same garbage can, and guess what?  He found $4 more dollars.  Somehow we had not found those bills the first time.  You would have thought Ashton had struck gold!

So, those are my money woes.  I wish they were the only ones!

1 comment:

Gary said...

I wished we could afford to throw away money but then your stories wouldn't be so meaningful :-)