Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's interesting

to look back to last year's entries.  Had I not written, I wouldn't even remember anything about last year at this time.  But as I read the posts, it seems like it was all just yesterday. 

It really is true that as you get older the years go by faster (or seem to).  My thoughts on that are that when you're young you're always looking ahead to something  -- getting your driver's license, graduating from high school, getting married, having children. Then it reaches the time when you wish time would slow down.  A time when change is not desired, but will inevitably come.  That's when it seems to speed up.   Obviously that is not so, but it certainly seems so. 

There are periods in my life that now seem like more than a lifetime away.  So many that were such an integral part of our lives, like our parents, are now gone.  I wish I had recorded more what a typical day was like when the girls were small.   I guess I'm feeling somewhat nostalgic and reflective.  Yet, I wouldn't want to go back in time.  I wouldn't want to relive the sorrows.  I wouldn't want to miss out on the joys.  I wouldn't want to not have the people in my life that I have now.   So, I guess it's a good thing I don't want to go back in time, since I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Life is good.


tingey said...

I enjoyed the blog tonight....a lot of people think that I want to go back to High School, I just want Doug to start having the reunions every 10 years instead of 5. I want the snow to melt so we can play golf (FORE), I want Tiger to be a better person? But most of all (THANK YOU FOR NOT DOING A CUP CAKE RECIPE).

Nat said...

I like this post :D life is good isnt it

Pam's Place said...

Very well said, Annette. I'm glad you have last year's blogs to remind you of the day to day life of 2009 in the Ashton family.

Tiffany said...

Years seem to go faster when you're older because they are a smaller percentage of your total time. When you're 56, one year is only 1/56th of your life. When you're 16, one year is 1/16th of your life, a bigger percentage.