Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When we first added on

the sunroom in 1993, the first event we held in there was Thanksgiving dinner.  I was so excited to finally use the room and I had the tables all set with candles and chocolate turkey favors.  What I didn't realize was that, in the winter months anyway, the sun beats through the top windows so intensely that it literally melts candles (and chocolate turkeys). 

For a few years we had some paper blinds we put up in the winter, but they rotted in the sun.  So, this is my makeshift window covering for a few months.  I decided to make them last week after I had a meeting at the house.  The sunroom was so hot with the sun beating in on us (even though it was freezing outside), that we could hardly sit in there.    So I got this fabric and put it between two spring rods, one at the top and one at the bottom.  Not ideal, but it will do for now (though I can already see that it needs some width adjustments so it will hang more smoothly).

So, that is one "project" I can (kind of) check off my list.

Gary said I should take pictures of myself putting them up, but since I'm the poster of this blog, I vetoed that.  There is no way I'm going to put a picture of myself with a full rear view anywhere.   
I do have some pride.


Carrie B said...

LOL! You're funny ;) I would never allow a rearview photo either...

tingey said...

Hey Mexico they open the house to the south with windows, put in brick floor's with an adobe wall. The sun come's through the windows and heats up the wall and floor's. The combination of floor and wall heats the rest of the house. Its called SOUTH WEST EXPOSER, and no heating units necessary. This Idea has been used for century's.

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

I dream of a hot room right now. i like the window coverings.

Tom Anderson said...

Pride is the universal sin. Thanks for your kind thoughts.