Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I had this kitchen
would there be enough counter space
to 10 times my cupcake recipes?

Would my clothes fit in this little closet?

I'm not sure about either of those questions.
I guess I'll save my 3.5 million dollars.

As a side note, the contractor of this house in the Parade of Homes
is a former coaching associate of Gary's.  
He told Gary he quit teaching in '03 and couldn't be happier.
Gary thinks he could probably get a 5% discount,
if anyone is interested.

On second thought,
maybe we should reconsider.
  I can never pass up a sale.


allison nadauld said...

I almost hate going to things like that. I want it all. Beautiful home though. Maybe in the next life?

tingey said...

3.5 what.......did they line the bathroom toilets with gold?

Tom Anderson said...

It's on sale, buy it, you will save money. That is Lynn's mantra.

Misty B. said...

I vote no on the cupcake space and I'm preety sure, if you count the clothes in the deep, the closet isn't big enough either. Note: Closets are never big enough!!!