Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I've been avoiding New Year's Resolutions. 

Let's see . . . 

From experience I know that setting a goal of losing weight doesn't work.  When I decided that I wanted to lose weight before Florida, I gained it.  I'm just that contrary.  I can make goals like "don't eat after 6 pm."  But then if I break the rule, I decide I may as well break it big time. I just "can't" say "I can't," or I sabotage myself.   So my goal is just to be sensible. 

I did make the goal of blogging every day, and so far I've done that.

I am making one other new goal for this year, and it has to do with expressing appreciation (or support, or encouragement, or congratulations) in writing. 

So many times during a week I will think, "I need to write a note to __ and thank them for ___."  But, it never happens.  There is something about writing a note that just bogs me down.  You have to physically get a card (of which I have plenty), think of what you want to say, write it, look up the address, etc.  It shouldn't be that hard, but it is for me.   I'm usually late with birthday cards (sorry Eliza), and it felt so good finally get three of them off today.

So, I'm setting a goal of sending at least one note or card a week.   At least if I do that it will be 52 more cards than I've sent before.   That will feel good.

So that is all for now.  I don't want to overwhelm myself.  Baby Steps.

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