Crinkled Oranges

Monday, January 5, 2009

January 4

How to describe this day? Moments of clarity where I truly felt the spirit of what I am hoping to accomplish while serving in the Primary. There were also moments of doubt and frustration when I realize that, even while I'm doing what I can, that it is probably not enough or even the best thing. Also, feeling the sorrows, worries, and sadness in the eyes of those around me and realizing how fragile life really is for so many people. I feel very grateful for the love I have surrounding me in my life.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Annette, you are doing a wonderful job. And you have such a tender heart. I'm sorry you have been ill and sorry you hurt so much for others. I don't know how to distance myself from others hurts. There must be a way.

I think you are a wonderful woman. And you ALWAYS smile. It's amazing.